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A UU Storytelling Jam –

“Rethinking We”

Rethinking We UUA GAKristin Maier and Jessica York will be emceeing a Storytelling Jam at General Assembly 2015 of the Unitarian Universalist Association.  If you are coming to GA, come see the show ThursdayJune 25th at 1:15pm in Oregon Ballroom 203.

We have a great line-up of storytellers, with stories that will make you laugh, cry, and think very deeply about who “we” are as Unitarian Universalists. There will also be special music from Yuri Yamamoto.

Come ready with an open heart and open mind. It will be a celebration of many voices, many experiences, many stories.

Book Signing at General AssemblyPortland 2015 GA

I will be in the UUA Bookstore signing copies of A Good Telling immediately following the Storytelling Jam.  Feel free to stop by Thursday June 25th at 2:45 pm.  I will be happy to chat about your next steps as a storyteller and how you can make your worship services and religious education richer using storytelling.


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