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“Rethinking We” A Storytelling Jam –

Storytelling Jam at General Assembly 2015Rethinking We UUA GA

Kristin Maier and Jessica York will be emceeing a Storytelling Jam at the General Assembly 2015 of the Unitarian Universalist Association.  If you are coming to GA, come see the show ThursdayJune 25th at 1:15pm. If you have a story you’d like to tell, even better.  Details are below.  See you in Portland!

Rethinking We: A UU Storytelling Jam

Past GA Participants Photo Nancy Pierce available on

Do you have a story to tell? Have you experienced something that opened your heart in a way that changed how you understand who “we” are as Unitarian Universalists? Would you like to tell that story as part of a Storytelling Jam at General Assembly in Portland this year?

We’re looking for stories that are funny, touching, inspiring, affirming and/or challenging. Stories can speak to just about any way your sense of “we” expanded regarding ethnicity/race, class, dis/ability, gender/sexuality, theology, etc. The goal is to present a mix of good stories from a variety of perspectives and experiences that come together in one beautiful, poignant hour of storytelling.

Portland 2015 GA

To learn about attending GA June 24-28, see

Tell us about your story! Send an audio, video, or text file to Kristin Maier by April 22nd. The emcees, Kristin Maier and Jessica York, will select as many stories/storytellers as our time slot permits. The program is currently scheduled for Thursday June 25 at 1:15pm. Participants need to be registered for GA. Questions? Contact Kristin Maier. If you are planning to be at GA – we’d love to hear your story!

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